
Schneider, Steve [Project Director] / Foot, Kirsten [Project Director] / Kahle, Brewster [Project Director] / Amme

The September 11 Web Archive is a collaboration between the Library of Congress, the Internet Archive and [...] Our aim in creating this collection of Web materials is to preserve the Web expressions of individual people, groups, the press and institutions from around the world, in the aftermath of the attacks in the U.S. on September 11, 2001. We hope the archive provides resources for many kinds of reflection on the meanings of these events. Since the hours just after the attacks, we have been collecting Web materials that reflect responses to them, from as many sources as possible. People from around the world have contributed URLs to be included in this collection, and we are grateful for each submission. This archive is a work-in-process. We're still working on capturing the Web materials on the URLs that have been contributed, so if you don't see one you sent to us displayed yet, come back another day. [self-description]
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Thomas Meyer
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